Two Hong Kong-based YPO members leading dynamic and successful companies are among the 12 winners of the 2017 EY Entrepreneur of the Year China awards. EY is YPO’s Strategic Learning Advisor.

For the last 32 years, the EY Entrepreneur of the Year® program recognizes outstanding business leaders around the world.

Launched in 2006, the China program honors entrepreneurs in China who achieve success by “combining ability with opportunity” — creating employment opportunities and enhancing the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.

Congratulations to the following YPO members recognized by EY as category and country winners:

Consumer products category winner: David Pun, Group Chairman and CEO, EVISU Group Limited, Shanghai, China

Real estate category winner and China country winner (Hong Kong/Macau Region): George Hongchoy, Executive Director and Chief Exectuve Officer, Link Asset Management Limited, Hong Kong, China

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