Your global community awaits

Join YPO’s global community of extraordinary chief executives. Your potential membership is evaluated on the strength and impact of your achievements and leadership success.
Membership requirements
1. Contact Information
2. Requirements
3. Your Details
4. Company Details
5. Terms & Fees

Let’s get to know each other

To find out more about YPO membership, please tell us a little bit about yourself. Don’t forget to explore our membership requirements before you get started.

YPO Qualifying Criteria

YPO candidates must meet one requirement from each of the four criteria.

Criteria 1

Under 45 years old

Criteria 2

President, CEO, Chairperson of the Board, Managing Director, Managing Partner, or Equivalent title.

Criteria 3
Number of employees
  • 50 Full-Time Employees
  • 15+ Full-Time Employees
  • Minimum $2,500,000 USD Annual Employee Compensation
Criteria 4
Revenue by company type

Sales, Service, Manufacturing:

$15,000,000+ USD


$12,000,000+ USD

Financial Institution:

$300,000,000+ USD AUM


Enterprise Value:

$25,000,000+ USD

Tell us a little about yourself

The link you used to access this form indicated you were referred by a YPO chapter. If you were referred by a specific member, please enter their name below.
If you were referred by a YPO chapter or member, please provide their information below.

Tell us about your qualifying company(s)

What makes you a good fit for YPO?

The value of YPO lies in its members, so we’re looking to build relationships between leaders that are making a real impact in the world. If you think that’s you, tell us why.

Estimate your annual membership dues if accepted:

Amount includes a one-time initiation fee of USD4,480.00 + pro-rated annual dues (USD4,480).*April, May or June amount includes prorated dues for the current fiscal year plus annual dues (USD4,480) for the upcoming fiscal year. YPO dues will increase annually by a minimum of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). ** This estimation does not include local chapter dues amounts.

Note: Annual membership renewal dues are payable on 1 June of each year. YPO membership renews annually prior to the beginning of YPO’s fiscal year (1 July – 30 June). Membership dues are nonrefundable upon acceptance into YPO.

Please review and accept our Policies & Procedures and our YPO Community Standards
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