Gene Gebolys
Gene Gebolys is the Founder and CEO of World Energy, which he launched 25 years ago to accelerate the commercialization of alternatives to fossil-based motor fuels. It is the world’s first commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) producer.
Under his leadership, World Energy is undergoing a USD2.5 billion conversion project at its Los Angeles facility, making it a 100% renewable production hub. The Los Angeles facility serves as a model for World Energy’s Houston facility conversion. Once complete, both facilities will allow World Energy to produce a total of 500 million gallons of SAF by 2026. In total, World Energy is investing USD15 billion in California, Texas and Newfoundland to help leaders accelerate their efforts to make net-zero real.
Gebolys earned his master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University and a bachelor’s in economics and business management from Ohio State University.
In addition to being active in YPO, Gebolys is the founding chairman of the National Biodiesel Political Action Committee and a founding member of the Biodiesel Quality Accreditation Committee. He is also active in Clean Fuels Alliance America.