Liviu Tudor
Liviu Tudor is the founder and owner of Genesis Property, the largest Romanian landlord of office buildings. The portfolio of Genesis Development includes West Gate Business District and Novo Park, totaling over 150,000 square meters of prime real estate, class A office buildings green certified BREEAM very good.
Subsequently, he founded West Gate Studios, the first and largest privately held campus, hosting and mentoring 1800 students from 4 continents and 16 countries. Liviu Tudor is also the founder and President of the Romanian Association of Building Owners (RABO). He was appointed as Vice-President by the European Property Federation (EPF), based in Bruxelles – the most important organization comprised of owners, investors and developers in real estate, with a portfolio of properties evaluated at over 1500 billion euro.
His experience and investment in education and sustainable projects has led to his appointment as Secretary General of the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome, where he implemented several projects, among which a new magazine with international distribution called BALANCE, a Club of Rome magazine. He holds a Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering from the Polytechnics University of Bucharest.